Build High-Performing Teams and Businesses with CollabGenius
Elevate your impact with CollabGenius. Our forward-thinking talent and team assessment, proven strategies, and streamlined data platform power executive search firms, business consultancies, coaches, and recruiters to transform people and organizations to achieve unparalleled results.

Or Become One to Grow Your Own Practice
What Our Valued Clients Say

Christina Meadows
Director of Operations: Leader, Action Mover and Strategic Thinker Building High-Performance Teams

Cheryl Church, SHRM-SCP
Director - Search Division

Catherine McKinnon

Mary Trapnell
Executive Director
Lee Smith

Latasha D. McCullar, CSM, CHIEF
Vice President Operations

Dr. Andrew Meikle
CEO, The Fertility Partners

Lynn Henderson

Tania Sheridan
Licensed Real Estate Broker, Entrepreneur, Investor, but most importantly…Mom

Dr. John F.K. Moore
Sr Systems Engineer Architect Principal

Wendy Quon
IT Project Manager
Ashley Elliott-Fleming
Recruitment & Talent

Yoli Chisholm

Mariela Gonzalez
Business Manager
Sumeet Khanna
Vice President, Business Transformation & Strategic Initiatives

Will Martin
Chief Operations Officer, Cushion Employment Services

Brit Blacklidge
President & CEO

Rob Martini
Area Procurement Manager
Any successful business must evaluate how individuals contribute and collaborate within a team while implementing a high-performance team-building strategy
- Founders, inspire others to follow and initiate various endeavors.
- They excel in roles requiring innovative leadership and authority.
- Leverage their ability to think outside the box and drive transformative change within the organization.
- Be cautious of individuals eager for leadership but lacking consensus or support from others.

- Vision Movers excel in strategic planning and goal achievement.
- They thrive in directing others to accomplish objectives.
- Once loyal, they are dedicated to realizing the Founder's vision.
- They excel in managerial roles and strategic planning, preferring to play a supporting role similar to trusted advisors.

- Action Formers excel in organization, effortlessly managing tasks with precision.
- They prioritize harmony and cooperation among team members, creating a supportive work environment.
- Ideal for supervisory and administrative roles, they thrive in hands-on management.
- Well-suited for positions like HR and training, they excel in maintaining order and efficiency.

- Watchdogs maximize available resources to meet the needs and desires of the organization and team.
- They excel in financial management and asset distribution, focusing on efficient utilization.
- Well-suited for protective work and procurement tasks, their detail-oriented approach enhances effectiveness.
- They thrive in roles requiring consistency, and attention to detail, contributing to efficiency and productivity.

- Conductors are driven to fix problems and achieve goals with determination.
- They excel as troubleshooters, handling technical customer service issues adeptly.
- Ideal for persuasive roles like lawyers or high-pressure sales positions.
- Valuable in high-tech jobs and behind-the-scenes work in politics or union organizing.

- Communicators are universally liked and have a friendly outgoing nature.
- They excel in customer-facing roles like sales and customer service.
- Well-suited for professions involving person-to-person interaction.
- Thrive in jobs where listening and engagement are key.
- Vision Formers are rare and invaluable, evoking both admiration and skepticism due to their genuine concern for others.
- They prioritize what is best for people, working towards positive outcomes.
- Highly skilled at evaluating plans and bringing people together for achievement.
- Valuable in roles involving process monitoring, regulatory compliance, or long-term planning.

- Action Movers are exceptional, always busy and ready to assist with immediate tasks.
- They excel in short-term goals and thrive in fast-paced environments.
- Ideal for sales and business development roles, they are effective in quickly completing tasks.
- Valuable in management, customer service, or relations, they excel in prompt and efficient work.

- Explorers uncover opportunities and risks, contributing to growth and protection.
- They excel in research, finding employees, sources, and opportunities.
- While preferring solo work, they serve their team's best interests.
- They are essential for locating treasures like technology, people, investors, and sales leads, vital for entrepreneurial teams.

- Curators possess wisdom and blend into group settings until sought out.
- They excel in organizing knowledge, suited for roles like librarians or knowledge managers.
- Skilled at discerning valuable information, they aid in decision-making for information retention.
- Ideal for preserving institutional memory and organizing vast amounts of data.

Interviews, Meetings and Resumes are Not Indicative of Reality
We all offer polished answers that don't tell the whole story. It’s critical to determine whether the people or teams we are considering working with, investing in or hiring will consistently show up and meet the vision's needs.
- CollabGenius does the heavy lifting, by measuring individuals' and teams' ability to collaborate, overcome obstacles, achieve goals, and teamwork Role(s) contribution.
- CollabGenius's assessment replaces outdated methods and pseudo-psychology with a science-backed, technology-driven approach to understand how individuals see themselves, interact, and contribute as team members.
- Using our platform, you avoid pigeonholing and stereotyping people based on personality or impressions.
- Acknowledges the multifaceted nature of human behavior.

Powerful Recruiting and Team-Building Strategy
Finding the right Role-fit ensures each team member is aligned with their strengths, maximizing productivity and collaboration. When individuals thrive in jobs and positions suited to their Role, the entire team performs at a higher level.
Role-fit reduces friction, improves communication, and drives teams to overcome challenges, creating a foundation for sustainable success and innovation.
Explore the key principles below:
- Role-fit ensures every individual's Role aligns with job responsibilities and complements others'
- Selecting people based on team Roles to the mission and objectives enhances individual and team effectiveness.
- With Role-fit, organizations optimize people teams for success, driving towards collective goals with unparalleled cohesion and efficiency.
Stop Leaving Relationships and Business Success to Chance—Take Control with CollabGenius
Leaving business and working relationships to chance creates costly, unpredictable, and stressful challenges. Ineffective or toxic individuals can sabotage your success and drain your bottom line.
With CollabGenius, you take control. Our platform, powered by the award-winning Role-based Assessment, provides a significant advantage—equipping you with the insights and strategies needed for long-term team and business success.

Why I Should Use CollabGenius's Platform

Most Want
Least Want
Others Would Select You For
Others Would NOT Select You For

Beyond Personas: CollabGenius Reveals How People Truly Collaborate
Understanding performance demands insight beyond conventional assessments, personality judgements and interviews. Only CollabGenius provides invaluable insights information about how people respond to the demands of teamwork, especially under stress. It tells you what to expect when working with someone.
Key Benefits of Using CollabGenius:
- ROI and Elite Performance: By understanding team dynamics, businesses can optimize team composition for success.
- Data-Driven Recruiting and Reduced Risk: Attract talent that will improve your team by knowing how someone behaves on a team and mitigates risks.
- Strategic Leadership Development: Identify people with leadership ability and tailor development programs, driving growth and preparing for future challenges.
- Competitive Advantage: With diverse teams, businesses cultivate an environment conducive to innovation, sustainability and achievement.
Collaboration is
The Superpower of Success!
Don't be fooled by inflated egos, personalities, and individual achievements; identify people capable of collaboration. People who inherently understand the power of cooperation, who can inspire and be inspired, and who value the collective journey toward success.

Why is a good Role fit important for my hiring?
A good Role fit ensures that the candidate's preference for serving team needs, strengths and behavioral tendencies align with the requirements and responsibilities of the position. Role and position alignment increases job satisfaction, productivity, and retention.
Why does your Assessment take 45 Minutes?
Our assessment provides a comprehensive understanding of each candidate's teamwork preferences, strengths, and areas for development. The extra time allows for a more thorough analysis, resulting in more accurate and actionable insights.
What makes CollabGenius better than other assessments?
CollabGenius utilizes a Role-based approach focusing on behavior relevant to job performance. This allows for more precise matching of candidates to Roles and provides actionable insights for hiring and development decisions.
I already have my employees complete a personality test. What does CollabGenius add to this?
CollabGenius' Role-based assessment goes beyond personality assessments by providing Qualitative measures and an understanding of teamwork by focusing on team needs to determine how a person will ‘connect’ with others by observing what happens in a team. Personality tests provide Quantitative measures that focus on "parts” of a person and measure traits and attributes and infer what might happen on team.
Is the report user-friendly?
The CollabGenius report is clear, concise, and easy to understand. It presents key insights and recommendations in a user-friendly format and on the TeamVue platform.
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