Choose Talent & Team Assessment, Consulting, Recruiting and Diversity Solutions, and Team Performance Quality Analysis
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Succeed Through Collaboration
1-on-1 Coaching
  • Complete the CollabGenius Assessment: Complete your assessment at any time.
  • Immediate Access to Secure Results: Get access to your results upon completion.
  • Exclusive One-Hour Session with Marci, CollabGenius Founder: Schedule a personalized session to dive into your results.
  • Leverage Your CollabGenius Results: Learn how to use your results and the CollabGenius platform to build high-performance teams aligned with your vision and goals.
  • Discover the Science of Team Dynamics: Understand the fascinating theory behind team interactions, collaboration, and decision-making.
  • Select the Right People for the Right Roles: Gain the knowledge to choose the best people for specific positions, to achieve your objectives.
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Team Performance Quality Analysis
  • A Team Analysis gives stakeholders mission-critical information including the team's strengths, weaknesses, gaps, threats, and opportunities.
  • Get a Team Effectiveness Score at-a-glance measure of the overall health of your team and probability of success.
  • Team's Target Zone illustrates the distribution of Roles and highlights team members who are inside and outside the High-Performance Zone.
  • Get a Tailored Roadmap with actionable strategies to move your team towards achievement.
  • Fast Turnaround times with results delivered in as little as 3 days.
  • Includes 10 Team Members, with the flexibility to expand at $999.00 per additional member.
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Pre-Interview Qualification or Coaching - 5 Participants
  • Qualify 5 people, prospective team members vendors, or collaborators
  • Get an efficient and objective ranking - based on their fit for the job, team, and organization.
  • Get a % Match Score for the job, team and organization.
  • Secure and efficient access to results through the CollabGenius platform, within seconds of completion.
  • Use anytime.
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Pre-Interview Qualification or Coaching: 10 Participants
  • Qualify 10 people—infinitely faster and more accurately than any other means
  • Rank people based on their teamwork suitability for the position and select the best!
  • Get a  match score for the job, team and organization.
  • Secure and efficient access to results through the CollabGenius platform, within seconds of completion.
  • Use anytime
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Pre-Interview Qualification or Coaching: 30 Participants
  • Qualify 30 people - infinitely faster and more accurately than any other way!
  • Rank people based on their teamwork suitability for the position and select the best
  • Get a match score for the job, team and organization.
  • Secure and efficient access to results through the CollabGenius platform, within seconds of completion.
  • Use anytime
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Annual  Subscription - Unlimited Participants
  • Unlimited Assessments:  Qualify candidates efficiently and optimize team dynamics through unlimited access to our platform.
  • Assess Before You Invest: Make informed hiring decisions and build high-performing teams.
  • Get a match score for the job, team and organization.
  • Coach Individuals for Team Performance: Provide targeted guidance to help individuals improve their teamwork and contributions.
  • Empower Your Business: with unlimited, hiring, coaching and team-building resources.
  • Secure and efficient access to results through the CollabGenius platform, within seconds of completion.
  • Use anytime
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A Practical Course for Improving Diversity, Inclusion And Building High-Performance Teams!
  • Unconscious Bias Deep Dive: Explore the subtle ways bias creeps into hiring decisions and learn practical strategies to mitigate its impact.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Discover how CollabGenius' objective assessment helps identify top talent while minimizing bias.
  • Build High-Performance Teams: Learn strategies to attract, hire, and retain a diverse group of people.
  • Creating an Equitable Hiring Process: Implement best practices to ensure every candidate has a fair and equal opportunity.
  • Measuring & Tracking Progress: Easily learn how to track diversity metrics to gauge progress and identify areas for improvement.
  • Real-World Applications: Learn from use cases showcasing how organizations have leveraged CollabGenius to achieve their goals and how you can apply the platform to your business.
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Beyond The Glass Ceiling: Self-Awareness And Collaboration
1-On-1 Coaching
  • Uncover Your Unique Role: Discover your teamwork Role and unique abilities paving the road to career advancement.
  • Align Your Work with Your Passion: Identify the tasks and responsibilities that align with your Role, leading to increased productivity and fulfillment.
  • Maximize Your Contribution: Develop strategies to leverage your Role and improve your collaboration abilities to become an invaluable team member.
  • Navigate Teamwork: Learn how to harness different people's Roles, improving your  effectiveness and reducing stress.
  • Design Teams: Understand the dynamics of teamwork and how different Roles work together, building a culture of trust, respect, and high performance.
  • Build Your Dream Team: Learn how to apply CollabGenius insights to attract, retain, and develop diverse, engaged teams with exceptional results.
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Due Diligence: Identify High-Potential Teams and Talent At Lighting Speed!  
  • Go Beyond Impressions: Learn how to uncover strengths, red flags, and collaborative dynamics within startup teams.
  • Identify High-Potential Teams: Use technology to quickly identify startups most likely to succeed and those not.
  • Mitigate Risk: Discover better information faster to make more informed investment decisions and avoid costly mistakes.
  • Maximize Portfolio Performance: Learn how to easily use CollabGenius's platform to support and guide your portfolio companies toward achieving their goals.
  • Build Better Relationships: Gain strategies and information to build trust and collaboration with founders; creating productive investor-entrepreneur dynamics.
  • Case Studies & Real-World Examples:  Learn from successful investors who use CollabGenius to enhance their due diligence process.
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Becoming an Effective Ally: How Men Can Champion Women's Success in the Workplace
  • Uncover Hidden Potential: Learn how CollabGenius'  assessment reveals the strengths and talents of women, who might be overlooked by traditional assessments and hiring and promotion processes.
  • Challenge Unconscious Bias: Gain  strategies for recognizing and overcoming unconscious biases that can hinder women's advancement.
  • Build High-Performing Teams: Discover how to create teams that leverage the diverse perspectives and talents of women.
  • Create a Culture of Growth:  Learn how to support and develop women leaders within your organization.
  • Create a Level Playing Field: Learn how to objective information to create and implement fair compensation and recognition for women.
  • Become an Ally for Change: Understand the role of male allyship in advancing gender equality in the workplace and learn how to actively champion women's success.
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Recruiting Reimagined Course: Find and Deliver Top Talent in 80% Less Time
  • Beyond the Resume: Learn how to attract and quickly qualify candidates' for their ability to do the job.
  • Focus on Top Talent: Learn how to identify candidates most likely to succeed in the position and thrive on your clients team.
  • Efficient Recruiting: Learn how to streamline your recruitment process using our platform's powerful tools to quickly identify, assess, and prioritize the most promising candidates.
  • Improve Client Relationships: Wow clients by presenting objective information about each candidate and a clear rationale for your recommendations.
  • Craft Better Job Offers:  Get templates for personalized and persuasive offers that showcase how each candidate's teamwork Role and  strengths will fit into the new team.
  • Team-Based Job Descriptions: Write job descriptions that resonate with the best talent by focusing on the specific teamwork Role(s) and functions of the position.
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  • The Science of Successful Teams:  Go beyond education, experience and skills. Learn how to quicky identify the people that drive success and avoid those that don't.
  • The Founder's Influence: Understand your Role in shaping company culture and attracting the right talent.
  • Attract "Role-Fit" Talent: Define Roles precisely and attract candidates who naturally fit those Roles and your team.
  • Build a Synergistic Team: Learn how to Assemble a team where individual strengths complement each other and create a high-performing unit.
  • Nurture and Grow: Develop and motivate your team by understanding their Roles and building a culture of collaboration and engagement.
  • Adapt and Evolve: Gain a platform and tool that ensure your team adapts and the people and positions on your team evolve with your startup's growth.
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