In the face of rapidly changing economic, demographic, and competitive pressures, a top-of-mind issue facing organizations today is finding, identifying, and retaining high-performance employees. These changes increase the risks and costs associated with hiring failures, and the fact that many areas of business still experience undesired employee turnover suggests that there is a missing link in the hiring process. Could it be that standard evaluation tools and methods put too much emphasis on individual skills and characteristics, and not enough on how people 'team' together?
A statement that encapsulates how we currently treat the hiring and teaming process comes from Peter Senge. Peter is an American systems scientist who is a senior lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management, co-faculty at the New England Complex Systems Institute, and the founder of the Society for Organizational Learning. He is known as the author of the book The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. He said, "Business and human endeavors are systems... we tend to focus on snapshots of isolated parts of the system and wonder why our deepest problems never get solved."
As an executive recruiter, I have seen what happens when a company makes a bad hire. The call goes out for someone with experience, drive, and the right fit for the job and for company culture. Screening, reference checking, and various assessments are applied, and sincere efforts to interview in a disciplined fashion are made. Unfortunately, mistakes still happen, and everyone-the recruiter, the client, and the chosen candidate feels the pain.
A study by the Society for HR Management estimates that the cost of a poor hire for intermediate positions could be $20,000; for senior management, $100,000; and for sales representatives at $300,000. Those are significant numbers, but if we look beyond HR's transactional cost measures and consider the other ramifications of hiring failures, such as lost business relationships, delayed or failed strategic initiatives, and the undesired exit of highly-valued employees, the 'collateral damage' from a bad hire can be staggering.
CollabGenius is a technology that answers the question, "What happens when people team together?" The answer to this question is what is been missing in hiring and succession processes. CollabGenius means "working together" and it answers this question. I've been using CollabGenius previously called Team ability in my recruiting practice Team Quest Advisors since 2010 to help clients identify and understand how people interact in teams. CollabGenius is one of a kind because it's not a personality, IQ, strength, or any other existing tools or methods of assessment.
CollabGenius tech is from physics and systems theory after 30 years of R & D by two behavioral scientists. CollabGenius reveals the #1 Performance Indicator: How will a person perform when collaborating to solve problems, overcome obstacles and achieve common goals.
Benefits and Advantages of using CollabGenius:
· Accurately pinpointing gaps in teams
· Getting the right people in the right seats fast
· Evaluating people equally and objectively
· Integrating and onboarding new leaders and new team members seamlessly
· Using technology to create a strategic and sustainable way of building high-performance teams
· Improve overall company performance & employee workplace satisfaction and engagement
· Reducing risks; better information leads to more informed and better business decisions
CollabGenius Plans Now Include
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